The November 5th general election is hurdling towards us and Fresno Progressives gathered together two days after Joe Biden’s disastrous debate, which was the topic of several conversations. The Central Valley Progressive PAC (CVPPAC) held a wine and cheese fundraiser, giving attendees an opportunity to socialize, listen to some great music and hear:
Carole Goldsmith, Chancellor of the State Center Community College District, who gave the featured presentation about her work to increase access to higher education for working class students.
Cristina Guitierrez, with Californians for Pesticide Reform, shared the critical lobbying being done to create a buffer zone for pesticides near schools and communities close to valley farmland.
Yesdasi Córdoba, an organizer for the United Farm Workers Union, who reported on her participation in organizing a union victory in a sweet potato operation in the Merced area.
The music by Steve Ono wafted through the air as attendees shared thoughts about the upcoming election, caught up with old friends and enjoyed a glass of wine.
The CVPPAC focuses on local elections and sometimes statewide races/ propositions. You are invited to their next meeting by Zoom on Saturday July 13. Go to www.cvppac.org for details The CVPPAC endorsement meeting will be held on September 14 and all members are encouraged to attend. You can become a member at the website mentioned above.

Great event. Carole Goldsmith has super ideas and I’m convinced she will carry them out. nancy waidtlow